There needs to be a shift from the current dominant paradigm of fear to peaceful love. Yet vast numbers of people believe fear to be a great motivator. This would be due to the fact we are indoctrinated into the fear paradigm from birth. We all know about the apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree, yet we appear hopelessly controlled by this. It is the frustrating idiom of: We are either our mothers daughter or our fathers son. Fear is programmed into us early on by our programmers, beginning with our parents and moving to friends academia and so on along with a variety of other programmers in life. Is one even really even there, that is to say if one follows the programmed life script they are then merely the sum total of what others taught them to be, a personification of brainwashing. Moreover fear fuels this and is psychological in nature causing dis-ease and anxiousness. A general dissatisfaction, along with the mental projection away from the here and now and into the mind identified state. The egoic mind is driving humanity slowly insane.   Love, is outside time, and having no opposite it could never even imagine anything like fear. Love is felt in the here and now, in one unfragmented continuous present moment, absent past and or future. What problems are there right now. No problem could even exist without time. We are speaking to psychological fear or problems in accumulated memory. The prerequisite to all problems always seems to be concerns stemming from the past or future projected memory. Imagine then for just a moment, all there ever is or was, is here and now, how then could there to be any problems? So perceived problems are all mind created, fomented in memory. Oh should danger befall you as in leaping out of the way of an oncoming car for instance, this is clearly reactionary, responses not actually a problem in the struct sense. Therefore absent time, memory and fear along with the anxiousness and dis-ease they create, how can there be the problematic? The present moment is a blank slate with nothing written on it, problems or otherwise. In this seemingly small place, the here and now, is peaceful love, just this moment. What problem is there in this moment? Yet a seemingly narrow path called the now, is actually vast a vesture of divine effulgence veiled from us, invisible to one’s normal vision and yet with work, one can step into its peace whenever they are so inclined, but only if they are persistent.      

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