by J

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree it seems. An old saying handed down from generation to generation. We all know what it means; that we are the same as our parents right? If we really go into this, deeply inquiring about it, in honest, loving self examination, we will begin to see. See, in many cases reluctantly, that we are programmed to be someone whom others, be they our parents, teachers, or society in general, (all outside influences) have taught us to be. This begs the question, is this programmed person our actual real Self? As a child, we had very little control over what went into that programming. If we are not our real Self, then who are we?

Some of this programmed scripted self will be useful to us. We all were taught, that to cross the street when cars were coming is not a wise course of action. This, obviously is useful, as well as many other examples of our programming. That said, how much of the programmed self do we choose? How much of it is what someone else decided was good for us? What degree of the programmed person we are, did outside forces decided we should be, do, and have in out lives? Looking at this from a computer perspective, who wrote the programmed script? Do we agree with that script, that programming? Do we choose it?

Now let us come full circle; “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” All of this seems very simplistic, very basic, right? Ah, until you try an break free from this scripted false self. Then it becomes very, very complicated, not to mention difficult. Why is that? Why do we not just drop the programmed part of our selves we do not agree with? Like a hot piece of iron? We will get into that, but let us consider in many people this inability to break free of the programmed self creates an underlying tension. An uneasiness in all who will not, or cannot see this. Even if they do see it, there is an enormous resistance to successfully breaking free of it. Why is there resistance? Not only is there resistance, this resistance creates an underlying dis-ease ultimately resulting in disease, or self-centered, self destructive behavior, brought about by unhappiness over all, due to following a script you are not. If one is okay with the scripted self they are, one should be peaceful, contented, happy, most of the time right? If peaceful most of the time, every cell in the body would react in a positive way.

Let us consider people diagnosed with a terminal disease in medical cases where the patient has lived. Faith healing or whatever the reason, they lived, countering the doctors prognosis. There are similarities in these cases. Of course the cases are different, but many of them had some of the following. Many of the them had faith, hope and most of all love. They had joy in their being. They were positive and had an acceptance of what was. They were contentedly peaceful. Where is this peace to be found? It seems that whenever unhappiness occurs it is preceded by excessive thinking mixed with strong emotions about the past or future (projected memory). This is the egoic minds programming, controlling us with unbelievable power. In many people it has them believing they are the programmed person they were taught to be.

Let us consider the indoctrination in the extreme. Controlling from birth the child’s programming, basically brainwashing them. The person is then so completely controlled they become whatever the programmer determines that they should be. Some people subjected to this of course break out of this extreme programmed scenario, it is conceded. The majority however do not. These people seem happy and contentedly running on a very apparent auto pilot program, like a computer program, programmed into their life, controlling them. Why are simple minded people happy? Because they were intensely and deeply programmed to be so? In a very real sense, they are not even really there at all. They are in a state of unconscious dreaming, like sleep walking, as are most people at present. The extremely indoctrinated are but an obvious example of it. The main and only difference actually, is that it is simply more obvious than most other people. This seems to be because most other unconscious people are the majority, the status quo is accepted and then embraced. But in a very real sense there indoctrination is, well, different, and that is all. Most peoples indoctrinated selves are simply not as isolated. Not as blatantly obvious. Their indoctrinated selves are of a greater collective, emanating from many different sources. Where as the extreme fanatics programming is derived from a much more narrow source. The life they live and are indoctrinated into are primarily what they are exposed to. This articles aim then, is to awaken the reader to the reality of the indoctrinated self. This of course would be the first step in the development of the programmed self and subsequently the breaking free of this indoctrinated scripted self.

What then would be the goal in all this? To be happy? Let us together, go into that. Consider that if you are living out a life that was preordained for you, a life you did not do a thorough examination of, determining which part of the script you choose and which part you do not choose. Are you then the real you? Then one must ask, “Who is it within me that determines all of this.” Is there the thinker, and is this thinker a tool? Is there a separate Self? Which one is real and which one is the pseudo self? Wouldn’t the pseudo self be the memories and or projected memories stored in the brain like a computer program? Is not the real Self outside of those memory images? There for the purpose of serving our needs, not controlling us, fostering an identification as us? Should thought, and memories, past and future, be a tool, serving us?

Let us now return to the idea of happiness. What is it to live a good life? A good quality of life generally, is to feel happy and safe right? When we are feeling happy is it not when we are engaging the part of the script WE choose? And that feeling of happiness, is it not found here, in the present moment? In this very moment, outside of time bound memory images? We may have pleasant memories or future projected memories, which bring happiness, but are they not happening in this very moment? Doesn’t happiness, peace, and contentment happen now? Does not everything happen now? Isn’t all freedom, all reality, happening in the present moment? In this here and now? Is discontentment usually associated with excessive thought, combined with excessively emotionally charged thinking? Pulling us into concern over the past or future, worries? Joy, a peacefully, being contentedly here in this moment. Engagement of life now, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting, each moment as it arises here, is where happiness, our happiness exists.

Stop reading and close the eyes for a moment. Be just this moment. This is a peaceful feeling of a contented bliss. Can you feel it? When it is strong we feel light as air, and time seems to stand still. This feeling tends to ebb and flow. This peace, is pure beauty. It exists in the moment. Moving with effortless ease in a continuity. At times it is overwhelming. An unidentified oneness with all that is. Outside of time. This is the timelessness of here, the joy of the present moment. A carefree energy flowing through everything. It is this moment of acceptance, the peacefully being in the zone. Then how do we keep this? How do we stay in the present moment? How do we reclaim our energy from our egoic mind/programming? How do we rekindle the loving, peaceful, joy, which is our actual Self? You say, “Okay, I have experienced a beautiful sunset, where I do not think about it and am just there. I have experienced being in the zone in my favorite sport, not thinking, just being there. I have experienced my child being born. How do I keep this then? How do I free myself from the programmed person I was taught to be?

First of all, seriousness is essential in an awakening to enlightenment. Each person is important, no matter what the level of commitment. Everyone plays a part because the shift from the current fear paradigm, to the peaceful love paradigm, will be accomplished collectively. The collective raising of consciousness wholly.

The student of enlightenment must have a mind brought to order, which is to have dealt with ones “baggage”, or as we reference it, psychological problematic proclivities, blocks to seeing a students true nature, peaceful love. Of course this takes a very serious commitment as well. One needs to work through pain, suffered in life and childhood. This is to relive these experiences, forgiving oneself and the perpetrators of the hurts suffered in life. It will require loving honesty, grieving over these hurts, and letting them go.

A serious student needs a mind at the level of a religiously pious nature. Seriousness is to see that this is forever, which is not; “Well I will give this a try for a year or two and if it doesn’t work, I’ll come back to it later.” The egoic mind, which stands in the way of peaceful love, because its energy source is fear, will never give up its incessant need to control. It believes if it losses control of its host, the person will be in great danger, and its job is to protect its host in the material world, in daily life. It can be brought into service to the student, but takes work, daily. Seriousness is a commitment to self observation, to remaining calm while doing so. Not allowing extreme emotion, thought, or authority, or attachment to conceptual programming to pull us into divisiveness. It is to be ones own teacher, taking what you can from systems, religions, and other people, without ever being to attached, to the degree one looses sight of the fact we must be our own light, must be our own teachers. It is the only way to awaken to enlightenment, the path to the peaceful love paradigm.

About us.

YES Enlightenment Support Group

“J” the author of this page, had a hit bottom experience, resulting in a spiritual awakening to enlightenment. The devastating series of events in the life broke open the thick walls of the egoic mind, which protect the very powerful life script (programmed indoctrination) we all are compelled to follow. This resulted in a serious inquiry, and asks the reader to do the same; “Who am I?” or more to the point: “Is programming controlling people and are we that programmed person only?”

It does seem that indeed the apple does not fall far from the tree. If people believe that they are exclusively the programmed person only/mind identified person we all were taught to be, why is there frustration, conflict, anxiousness, a dis-ease overall? Why is there unhappiness, conflict, division, and wars? If people are their programming exclusively, why is there resistance, WHY IS THE PROGRAM NOT ACCEPTED? Why is there so much divisiveness in the lives of people, and in the world overall? Could it be that the programming brings unhappiness because it has taken excessive control, far more control over people than is needed to function in daily life? Indeed, is most of humanity running on a deeply indoctrinated FEAR PARADIGM, causing unhappiness? The visitor to this page can awaken to what is referenced often on this page as the PEACEFUL LOVE PARADIGM, a totally different way of seeing one’s life and the world, absent divisiveness. A feeling of deep peace and joy in life, the reader, their friends, family, and fellow humanity, as a collective whole can grow into, shining their light, dissipating the OLD WAY OF SEEING, OF THE FEAR PARADIGM.

The visitor to this page can awaken to this if they are willing to work at it if they see the insanity of fear, division, and war. There now is work with other awakening students of enlightenment in a support group format, on this page and in writings. Here, we see the importance of being our own teacher, through honest, objective self-reflection. All systems can only point the way. Awakening to enlightenment and ultimately to the light inside of us all, it is believed, is seen, is awakened to, again by virtue of being our own teacher, not seeking someone else to tell us what to do. Here, there is a seeing that all systems ultimately create division, the us against them syndrome, all systems, in the end, foster their truth, not THE TRUTH, creating a deep dependence upon them.

We are asking the question: “Is it possible to live without divisiveness, live a non-judgmental life, to forgive, helping those who do not see this to do so? Can we, collective humanity, see the dominant FEAR PARADIGM, which has only fostered chaos, through division hate and war, to see that PEACEFUL LOVE is and always was who we are, at our essence? Please be a part of the global paradigm shift, awakening from fear, created in the egoic overthinking mind, to the PEACEFUL LOVE PARADIGM, seeing the dominant programmed FEAR PARADIGM, our world at this point runs on, which has never worked. Please, do not underestimate your contribution. Even a single word of kindness, even the most basic seeing, awakening, to the fact that programming is driving humanity insane, is creating anxiousness, tension, anger, guilt, dis-ease, hate, grief, unhappiness, wars, all via thinking too much, that seeing this can spread peaceful love to others. We are one human family. Spread these ideas and that will usher in the love so needed in the world today. Be a part of THIS PARADIGM SHIFT shinning its light of love into the world collectively and our lives as well, what could better suit our needs, and the needs of our loved ones?

                  KEEP WORKING ON LOVE.

  Thank you for your support and interest in this page. 
                      Best wishes  -“J”