by J
The simple answer is to work at it, daily. Sustained serious awareness. How much work is too much? Let us now together, go into this. Examine your life. Take stock of it for a moment. Look at the world. What is much of the world and perhaps yourself engaged in? Success, power, material gain, egoic attachment involved in relationships? How hard do we work for these? How much of our lives do we spend attaining these? We set the goal, which is in the future and does not bring satisfaction because it is always out there. We attain the goal, which brings satisfaction temporally but is quickly then replaced with something else we must have, or think we need. Or, we focus on past events in the life to one degree or another, either attempting to recapture past glory, or regret, or guilt over what could or should have been. Is this not to be caught in that which is subject to impermanence? Everything has a beginning and an ending, except one thing, inner-being, the source of all life, your source, or as we reference it, INNERSOURCE. Is not our happiness in the above scenario, to be excessively trapped in time, in the past or future? Do problems need the past or future to exist? All of this seems to be feeding the thing which feeds upon us, our emotionally charged ego, draining energy from us. What we speak to is the reclaiming of energy from the ego, which seeks control of us completely. People spend ten years, twenty years, or their whole lives, working their fingers to the bone. Trapped, it would seem, in endless attempts to regain past glories, or future cravings for more, more, and still more. Is not all of this again, subjected to impermanence? It does seem, when looked at objectively, to be all so pointless, to be introverted, especially when we have been sitting on the goose that laid the golden egg all along. It is inside of us, and all around us. The realization of this must be cultivated because we are so very programmed by the fear paradigm the world currently runs on.
First of all, there is nothing that can be told to you that you do not already know on a deeper level. You must go inside, and that, for many, takes much work. A lot of hard work. Considering the peace resulting from this hard work is lasting, is forever. That it does not have any dependence upon outside situations, people, nothing the world has to offer could come close, how hard then, would you work to awaken to this? Again, to awaken to what has always been inside of you, can be felt, and seen in all that is, once the work is done to cultivate it? It’s kind of funny really. Diffidently part of seeing and feeling this, will be to laugh at ourselves, (how did we miss that) as well as our indoctrinated, educated, dare we say brainwashed narcissistic self-centered view. Laugh at the idea that we see only separation; see only ourselves as individuals, and for the most part, this dominates our focus in life.
Now for the practical purpose of getting things done in our daily lives, we need the persona, our programming, the tool the ego is, to protect and serve us, do we not? Shakespeare once said; “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and each man in his time plays many parts.” Having said that, in the lives of the majority of humanity at present, because the world dominant paradigm is fear, and this fear runs the person, the egoic mind so controlling its host that, the majority of humanity is trapped in what we have referenced as the mind identified state. This simply means people think too much, think they are their programmed mind, images stored in the brain only. Images are drawn up from memory to identify the present, the only true reality, where actual truth and love are seen. In the next blog, we will go into more detail as to how this awakening to the Peaceful Love paradigm is to come about.