With the recently announced discoveries of Microsoft and ASI coming as soon as in five years, well, the spiritual factor has just become extraordinarily imperative. And especially considering the current dominant paradigm of fear rules. If this does not convince you that expediting the coming paradigm of peaceful love, facilitating a totally new kind of human-being, is needed, then we are surly on a very slippery slope.
Who am I? Why am I here? What’s the meaning of life? What is my purpose? If we don’t ask the questions then ASI and human-beings will merge rather than us merging with the spiritual factor. So we are making a choice weather accepted or not. We will reign in ASI and solidify our connection, spiritually speaking, to our higher power, God if that word fits better, or humanity will capitulate to ASI. Either we will be living in paradise or a live in fear of ASI, which is to say artificial super intelligence will control human-beings. Blue pill or red pill? Ego or connect to innocence, an oceanic feeling? Develop willingness courage and acceptance necessary to do the arduous work of developing wisdom so we hold this energy frequency. Then merging the two, we emerge as this totally new kind of human-being—not continue to live in a paradigm of fear, attempting to make human-beings better versions of themselves—but something completely new, similar to that which C. S. Lewis’s book spoke to in: “Mere Christianity.” Or what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote about in his works as the superman, which is eluded to in the system of Hinduism. Or again in the system of Christianity, “The meek who shall inherit the earth.” Whatever system one may or may not adhere to, they all, should they aim at love, have validity and want some version of peace ful love to replace the current dominant paradigm of fear, which has only ever brought suffering to mankind. The beginning of wisdom then, is to embrace love and shun divisiveness, fundamentally the core of all fear. This is done through those who are seriously committed to immerse themselves in peace, stillness and the observation of thought and the egoic mind. To free the mind.