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YES Enlightenment Support Group

“J” the author of this page, had a hit bottom experience, resulting in a spiritual awakening to enlightenment. The devastating series of events in the life broke open the thick walls of the egoic mind, which protect the very powerful life script (programmed indoctrination) we all are compelled to follow. This resulted in a serious inquiry, and asks the reader to do the same; “Who am I?” or more to the point: “Is programming controlling people and are we that programmed person only?”

It does seem that indeed the apple does not fall far from the tree. If people believe that they are exclusively the programmed person only/mind identified person we all were taught to be, why is there frustration, conflict, anxiousness, a dis-ease overall? Why is there unhappiness, conflict, division, and wars? If people are their programming exclusively, why is there resistance, WHY IS THE PROGRAM NOT ACCEPTED? Why is there so much divisiveness in the lives of people, and in the world overall? Could it be that the programming brings unhappiness because it has taken excessive control, far more control over people than is needed to function in daily life? Indeed, is most of humanity running on a deeply indoctrinated FEAR PARADIGM, causing unhappiness? The visitor to this page can awaken to what is referenced often on this page as the PEACEFUL LOVE PARADIGM, a totally different way of seeing one’s life and the world, absent divisiveness. A feeling of deep peace and joy in life, the reader, their friends, family, and fellow humanity, as a collective whole can grow into, shining their light, dissipating the OLD WAY OF SEEING, OF THE FEAR PARADIGM.

The visitor to this page can awaken to this if they are willing to work at it if they see the insanity of fear, division, and war. There now is work with other awakening students of enlightenment in a support group format, on this page and in writings. Here, we see the importance of being our own teacher, through honest, objective self-reflection. All systems can only point the way. Awakening to enlightenment and ultimately to the light inside of us all, it is believed, is seen, is awakened to, again by virtue of being our own teacher, not seeking someone else to tell us what to do. Here, there is a seeing that all systems ultimately create division, the us against them syndrome, all systems, in the end, foster their truth, not THE TRUTH, creating a deep dependence upon them.

We are asking the question: “Is it possible to live without divisiveness, live a non-judgmental life, to forgive, helping those who do not see this to do so? Can we, collective humanity, see the dominant FEAR PARADIGM, which has only fostered chaos, through division hate and war, to see that PEACEFUL LOVE is and always was who we are, at our essence? Please be a part of the global paradigm shift, awakening from fear, created in the egoic overthinking mind, to the PEACEFUL LOVE PARADIGM, seeing the dominant programmed FEAR PARADIGM, our world at this point runs on, which has never worked. Please, do not underestimate your contribution. Even a single word of kindness, even the most basic seeing, awakening, to the fact that programming is driving humanity insane, is creating anxiousness, tension, anger, guilt, dis-ease, hate, grief, unhappiness, wars, all via thinking too much, that seeing this can spread peaceful love to others. We are one human family. Spread these ideas and that will usher in the love so needed in the world today. Be a part of THIS PARADIGM SHIFT shinning its light of love into the world collectively and our lives as well, what could better suit our needs, and the needs of our loved ones?

                  KEEP WORKING ON LOVE.

  Thank you for your support and interest in this page. 
                      Best wishes  -“J”


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