Basically, it is to rise above thinking to no-mind. To rise above thought and overwhelming memory, past and future projected memory. Most people live in the mind which is to say, a mind using the person not the other way around. Many people pine for the past or live for the future, when all there ever is was or will be, is the here and now. All you will ever do or have done, only ever happens in the here and now. So the present moment is the only true reality. What we are doing is quieting the mental noise of ongoing self-talk defining what we’re seeing..hearing..feeling..tasting..or smelling. All that happens here and now has been replaced with memories of the here and now, which are necessary for practical purposes, yet if the memory images become all consuming and take over, a mind becomes succumbs to a mind identified state. One rising above thought to conscious presence is able to look at and be now with no thought or memory coming in to define what the five senses, above, experience. The thinker or self, is then not there. The Self who is one’s actual true essence behind the thinker, then arises while the self is relegated to be used for again, practical purposes exclusively. One’s self and life script it follows, now serve the ‘person’ helping to navigate daily life. The ego then, is given only enough energy for doing its job, protecting its host from harm psychologically and physically. So what we are doing in this is, reclaiming energy from the mind identified state and egoic mind, which seeks to totally control of us all from ourselves, because it’s egos job to do so. The ego thinks if it did not have total control of its host they would be in grave danger and this is true, although if one gives up too much freedom for security, they’ll have neither. So watch the thinking mind while simultaneously aware of the fine line between using it using you and you using it. Use the thinker only for practical purposes, then rise above it—learn to seamlessly shift from thinking to no-mind. For if thinking dominates memory images define, one’s daily life becomes dull, stale and redundant. Rise above thought and daily life then is fresh and new as love is always new. Enjoy memories, use them practically or projected memory for planning, then shift to here and now where peace and harmony are. A prerequisite to problems often seems to be past or future.