With the recently announced discoveries of Microsoft and ASI coming as soon as in five years, well, the spiritual factor has just become extraordinarily imperative. And especially considering the current dominant paradigm of fear rules. If this does not convince you that expediting the coming paradigm of peaceful love, facilitating a totally new kind of human-being, is needed, then we are surly on a very slippery slope.     
    Who am I? Why am I here? What’s the meaning of life? What is my purpose? If we don’t ask the questions then ASI and human-beings will merge rather than us merging with the spiritual factor. So we are making a choice weather accepted or not. We will reign in ASI and solidify our connection, spiritually speaking, to our higher power, God if that word fits better, or humanity will capitulate to ASI. Either we will be living in paradise or a live in fear of ASI, which is to say artificial super intelligence will control human-beings. Blue pill or red pill? Ego or connect to innocence, an oceanic feeling? Develop willingness courage and acceptance necessary to do the arduous work of developing wisdom so we hold this energy frequency. Then merging the two, we emerge as this totally new kind of human-being—not continue to live in a paradigm of fear, attempting to make human-beings better versions of themselves—but something completely new, similar to that which C. S. Lewis’s book spoke to in: “Mere Christianity.” Or what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote about in his works as the superman, which is eluded to in the system of Hinduism. Or again in the system of Christianity, “The meek who shall inherit the earth.” Whatever system one may or may not adhere to, they all, should they aim at love, have validity and want some version of peace ful love to replace the current dominant paradigm of fear, which has only ever brought suffering to mankind. The beginning of wisdom then, is to embrace love and shun divisiveness, fundamentally the core of all fear. This is done through those who are seriously committed to immerse themselves in peace, stillness and the observation of thought and the egoic mind. To free the mind.                                 
                                There needs to be a shift from the current dominant paradigm of fear to peaceful love. Yet vast numbers of people believe fear to be a great motivator. This would be due to the fact we are indoctrinated into the fear paradigm from birth. We all know about the apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree, yet we appear hopelessly controlled by this. It is the frustrating idiom of: We are either our mothers daughter or our fathers son. Fear is programmed into us early on by our programmers, beginning with our parents and moving to friends academia and so on along with a variety of other programmers in life. Is one even really even there, that is to say if one follows the programmed life script they are then merely the sum total of what others taught them to be, a personification of brainwashing. Moreover fear fuels this and is psychological in nature causing dis-ease and anxiousness. A general dissatisfaction, along with the mental projection away from the here and now and into the mind identified state. The egoic mind is driving humanity slowly insane.   Love, is outside time, and having no opposite it could never even imagine anything like fear. Love is felt in the here and now, in one unfragmented continuous present moment, absent past and or future. What problems are there right now. No problem could even exist without time. We are speaking to psychological fear or problems in accumulated memory. The prerequisite to all problems always seems to be concerns stemming from the past or future projected memory. Imagine then for just a moment, all there ever is or was, is here and now, how then could there to be any problems? So perceived problems are all mind created, fomented in memory. Oh should danger befall you as in leaping out of the way of an oncoming car for instance, this is clearly reactionary, responses not actually a problem in the struct sense. Therefore absent time, memory and fear along with the anxiousness and dis-ease they create, how can there be the problematic? The present moment is a blank slate with nothing written on it, problems or otherwise. In this seemingly small place, the here and now, is peaceful love, just this moment. What problem is there in this moment? Yet a seemingly narrow path called the now, is actually vast a vesture of divine effulgence veiled from us, invisible to one’s normal vision and yet with work, one can step into its peace whenever they are so inclined, but only if they are persistent.      

       Basically, it is to rise above thinking to no-mind. To rise above thought and overwhelming memory, past and future projected memory. Most people live in the mind which is to say, a mind using the person not the other way around. Many people pine for the past or live for the future, when all there ever is was or will be, is the here and now. All you will ever do or have done, only ever happens in the here and now. So the present moment is the only true reality. What we are doing is quieting the mental noise of ongoing self-talk defining what we’re seeing..hearing..feeling..tasting..or smelling. All that happens here and now has been replaced with memories of the here and now, which are necessary for practical purposes, yet if the memory images become all consuming and take over, a mind becomes succumbs to a mind identified state. One rising above thought to conscious presence is able to look at and be now with no thought or memory coming in to define what the five senses, above, experience. The thinker or self, is then not there. The Self who is one’s actual true essence behind the thinker, then arises while the self is relegated to be used for again, practical purposes exclusively. One’s self and life script it follows, now serve the ‘person’ helping to navigate daily life. The ego then, is given only enough energy for doing its job, protecting its host from harm psychologically and physically. So what we are doing in this is, reclaiming energy from the mind identified state and egoic mind, which seeks to totally control of us all from ourselves, because it’s egos job to do so. The ego thinks if it did not have total control of its host they would be in grave danger and this is true, although if one gives up too much freedom for security, they’ll have neither. So watch the thinking mind while simultaneously aware of the fine line between using it using you and you using it. Use the thinker only for practical purposes, then rise above it—learn to seamlessly shift from thinking to no-mind. For if thinking dominates memory images define, one’s daily life becomes dull, stale and redundant. Rise above thought and daily life then is fresh and new as love is always new. Enjoy memories, use them practically or projected memory for planning, then shift to here and now where peace and harmony are. A prerequisite to problems often seems to be past or future.


“Be in the world not of the world.” An idea posited by a Great Spiritual
Teacher. To be of the world, from this spiritual travelers perspective, is to
live entirely in the mind, a mind that uses the person, not the other way
way around. It’s Unconscious Dreaming, as we reference it herein. It is
living according to the dictates of one’s life script programming, formed
from the time of birth, and perhaps while still in the womb, to the age of
five or six years.

Obviously we all had little control over what all of our
programming was. This is best exemplified by the old saying; “The apple
does not fall far form the tree.” Upon awaking, spirituality speaking, it
is disturbingly apparent that most people are trapped in Unconscious
Dreaming. For better or worse, unconscious dreamers follow a life script
preordained for them by parents, peers, academia, religion, other groups,
organizations, media, and so on. After indoctrination, (we may reference
it as a hard drive) or, after one is programmed, egoic mind vehemently
adheres to the program, often a person totally unaware of it whatsoever.

Old mind patterns and per-established social rolls run one’s life like auto
pilot navigates a plane. This is to be of the world or be of form at loss of
of awareness of essence, the nothingness all form rises out of. Now form
consists of visible form, which the body is obviously, yet also thought,
dreams, interaction in life or relationships and or all action. All this rises
out of, or is of one’s consciousness. Nothingness is felt and is beyond the
above. It is peaceful stillness arising in a mind that is not in conflict with
itself. A mind consumed by opposites is unable to feel nothingness or to
know its peace. Nothingness/love, has no opposite. A state of presence
frees a mind from that which love has never known. Fear traps us via us
and them, right or wrong, good or bad, success or failure, victory or
defeat, light or dark. So to be in the world not of it, is to awaken to see
fear has enslaved us in form. Only then can one shift form, use the mind,
to presence and back to mind, for practical purposes, a natural human.

Nature does not think per se, yet it seems to be guided by a vast all-knowing intelligence, available to all of us, the seed of which is inside each person. Ever look at the trees, take in their majestic beauty? They seem to emanate stillness and peace, which if we allow it to, will impart its joy, calmness, and serenity upon us. Just as the trees absorb carbon dioxide, which we breathe out, and in return give off oxygen, which we breathe in, in a similar and mysterious way, we can feel their peace as we walk in nature settings. Perhaps all they want in return is for us to recognize and acknowledge the peace they project to us. As in the example of oxygen, spiritually speaking peace is their gift to us. Nature, simply due to the absence of the egoic thinking mind, is not, because of its none existence, burdened with duality, opposites, us and them, past and future, right and wrong, good and evil, and the like. Yet there surely is some intelligence at work in all this. What is this intelligence which seems to be beyond the thinking mind? Well, just look at a tree now, where is it pointing? Away from itself, to the macrocosm, perhaps indicating being part of a greater whole. In this simplistic state of innocence, is something abstract without beginning or end, beyond time and form. See how still nature is, rooted in being. Let its peaceful tranquility take you deep into the stillness it is, and it projects this stillness quite naturally and effortlessly into our world. Listen very closely and look intently, let the sounds and sights of nature, bring stillness to you. Listen consistently and it will speak to you of a totally different way of living. Then personify its gift of peaceful love into the world. If you work at it, bringing your mind, thought and extreme emotion to order, a mind quieten little by little will transform you. You will walk in a state of presence born of peaceful love. Speach and movement will soften, and the egoic mind will gradually loosen its grip upon the mind, a life script and ego, which adheres to this script, will be subservient as was always intended. The mind will then be used by you, no longer use you. Nature obviously is all around us, its peace opens up to us, portholes to nirvana constantly. We simply do not see it because our egoic mind blocks us from seeing it. The mind’s identified state is to live in a dream world. Free your Self from the egoic self.

  Imagine for a minute that you are renting an apartment with someone. You come home to find the door handle key sticks. It takes you ten minutes to get in. There is also a deadbolt with a different key, and that works fine. The roommate returns. The following scenario and dialogue ensues: “Can we use the deadbolt only until we can get the door handle lock repaired?” The roommate replies; “No, I’m not comfortable with that.” Anger begins welling up within you in the form of righteous indignation. A justified response, yet still it is a conditioned programmed scripted reaction to a situation, derived from old mind patterns, stored in memory. Ah but this time you catch it, (the anger welling up inside) and say to the programmed egoic mind, NO!!! You see it in just that moment for what it is, you remain very present and calm. You see your ego and its attempt to take control of you. Then there is epiphany: you look at the roommate and say to yourself; “She doesn’t see it, see that she is being completely controlled by a programmed egoic mind, following a life script others wrote, be they parents, peer groups, academia, and or others.” Her mind is using her not the other way around, and she doesn’t see it! Obviously, it is unfair and she should see that it is, yet she does not. This is the unbelievable power of the egoic mind. Then, you conclude that she must be forgiven for she knows not what she does. How can someone be blamed when they are unconscious? Their script controls them and denial ensues. In one form of denial or another, she blames it on you, or cannot control it, or some other excuse. She, like everyone in the state of unconsciousness, is living in a dream world. In this state, is the person really there at all? This is a simple case study that happened to the author and was a great leap forward in awakening to see enlightenment. Watch programmed responses in yourself and others, therein lies freedom from indoctrinated old mind patterns, a mind using you. Yet to do this one must remain very very calm, not raise the voice, or they will become emotionally invested in the situation, programming, and thought then will carry them away, at which point one must wait for the waters to calm once again. Only then can they see in retrospect what happened. Be subtle, still, and move slowly in action and thought. The more the situation and or people involved provoke you, or the more your own conditioning pushes your buttons, the more calm and peaceful you must be. Remember, it is your own ego and knows everything about you, what triggers to pull in order to maintain control of you. Again, most people think they use their mind when plainly their egoic mind uses them. Calmly watch yourself and life situations. Reclaim energy from the egoic mind and it will no longer control you. It will then serve its host as was always intended. Yet at some point ego took total control, hence the mind identified state. Most of all keep going no matter what happens. Ego cannot ultimately tell you who you are unless you give in to it. It is the idea of foreverness, this is forever. Ego’s tool of control is the past and future concerns. It, via thought, uses time to create problems. Problems it created, then with a different set of thoughts seek to solve the problems it created. Thought trying to understand itself, an exercise in futility.

One of the most difficult aspects of awakening to enlightenment is an acceptance of the fact that this is forever. There is no arrival because awakening is outside of time. There is only here and now. Obviously, we need to be able to use time for practical purposes, which is to be at the level of effect, job, duties, responsibilities in daily life situations. The causal level however is a state of timelessness, a feeling of oneness, absolutely a part of everything and everyone. Also to feel at a deeper level the ripple effect, that what we do has an effect upon the whole.

To live at the causal level is a totally different way of living life. It transcends the individual mindset of fear energy and separation, to a deeper, knowing of forgiveness, and nonjudgmental acceptance of others. Life, and an ability to see the gifts problems brought by life into us.